السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Was I rude to ask a Life Coach why they were qualified for the job?

I was at a dinner recently where a guy known to the group brought his new girlfriend and introduced her profession as a Life Coach. She looked to be in her late 20's, maybe early 30's so it got my curiosity up to know what qualified her to be a Life Coach to others'. I was thinking certainly she must have already accomplished some amazing things to be qualified to coach others and get paid for her services at a relatively young age.

I've often wondered this about people who I see in ads or articles about them being a Life Coach but I've never spoken to one. So I asked her to tell some of the things she's done or accomplished that led her to become a professional Life Coach. She proceeded to give a bunch of vague answers about being a good person and having found herself and thought she could help others. She doesn't have a degree in Psychology or a related field, has never worked even as a counselor for say alcoholics or in shelters and doesn't have any type of a degree at all. When I asked for more details about what happened to lead her to that conclusion the conversation died out and they walked away to another group.

Later I was told the guy complained what a jerk I was and that I was very rude to have embarrassed his girlfriend in front of others. 2 others who were there at the time this happened told me I didn't come across as sarcastic or talking down to her and they thought it was strange the answers she gave.

Does anyone know a Life Coach and do they consider it rude to ask them such questions?

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