السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Re: Has anyone used UBR Umzug for their move ?

I personally would go with a guinea pig as well.
We had one for a number of years and he was the sweetest little piggie!
They are super cute and friendly and can live for quite a long time if well cared for. My sister (she lives in Schübelbach though) is actually selling two (not why I said guinea pigs...they really are great!)....if you are interested, feel free to PM me and I can give you details

 As you probably know, things tend to be regulated here in Switzerland - the care of animals as well. Here are some BVet brochures that discuss the care and accomodation requirements as set out by the TSchV for guinea pigs, hamsters, and rats (I couldn't find one for mice... but this should give you an idea). These might help you decide which pet is most appropriate for your family.

Guinea Pigs:



You might want to have a chat with the Nagerstation - this is a rescue group specializing in small furries. They are very big on learning all about the pet you choose before taking an animal on, and could likely advise you and your daughter. Their Beratungstelefon is a paid number - but the funds raised go directly to the care of the animals.


All the best.

Oh, and when you decide... have you considered adopting a homeless critter? The database is here, choose 'Kleinsäuger' from the list:


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