الاثنين، 18 يونيو 2012

UK PM Leaves 8-Year-Old Daughter In Bar (12th June, 2012)

British newspapers have revealed that Prime Minister David Cameron left his eight-year-old daughter in a pub and went home, thinking the little girl was with his wife. His wife Samantha left the pub separately believing her child Nancy to be with her father. Neither Mr nor Mrs Cameron was aware they had left their child behind until they met each other at their house. Mr Cameron said he immediately phoned the pub and heard that Nancy was safe with the bar staff. She was in the toilet when the Camerons left a few minutes apart in different cars. Mr Cameron's spokeswoman said "the prime minister and Samantha were distraught when they realized Nancy wasn't with them".

The incident has sparked a debate in Britain about Cameron's parenting skills. Newspapers are also pointing the finger at who was to blame. Many say the prime minister's security team should have been more aware of where the UK leader's children were. A spokesperson said there "are security arrangements in place for the prime minister's family," but provided no further details on the type of protection given to the PM's wife and children. Most newspapers are sympathetic towards the Camerons, saying it is a terrifying mistake that happens to many parents. The Guardian, however, suggested Mr Cameron was too relaxed at a time when most of his people were suffering economic hardships.

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