السبت، 16 يونيو 2012



Fully appreciate answers to this post might be found on the forum already (and I did a lot of research on that), but prefer to ask as I want to be as sure as possible before taking any decision.

Basically I am offered a position in London with roughly 33-35k, whereas I think my profile could be worth around 100chf in Romandy (based on online research + recruitment agencies). Sounds to me like Romandy salary could be more interesting in terms of purchasing power.

My assumption is based on the following:


Basically it seems that Consumer Prices including Rent is roughly 37% higher in Geneva than in London. If I do a quick calc, 35k pounds --> 52k chf (current exchange rate) * 1,37 (diff in cost of living) = 72k chf.

Based on that it definitely sounds as if:
- current UK offer not attractive / in line with my profile
- definitely better of trying to push for a job in SWZ

Would appreciate to have any feedback on this. Am I right to think so or is there anything wrong in my reasoning?

Thanks in advance!

Apologies for stating the obvious but should your choice be based just on how much you will earn?

Geneva is a beautiful place to live with a large expat community and excellent possibilities to enjoy nature or travel. The downside is that accommodation is hard to obtain.

London has its own advantages as a place to live, of course.

Have you already lived abroad? Do you want to experience a different place / culture?

Oh well, enough said. 


Fully appreciate answers to this post might be found on the forum already (and I did a lot of research on that), but prefer to ask as I want to be as sure as possible before taking any decision.

Basically I am offered a position in London with roughly 33-35k, whereas I think my profile could be worth around 100chf in Romandy (based on online research + recruitment agencies). Sounds to me like Romandy salary could be more interesting in terms of purchasing power.

My assumption is based on the following:


Basically it seems that Consumer Prices including Rent is roughly 37% higher in Geneva than in London. If I do a quick calc, 35k pounds --> 52k chf (current exchange rate) * 1,37 (diff in cost of living) = 72k chf.

Based on that it definitely sounds as if:
- current UK offer not attractive / in line with my profile
- definitely better of trying to push for a job in SWZ

Would appreciate to have any feedback on this. Am I right to think so or is there anything wrong in my reasoning?

Thanks in advance!

Nono the financial part isn't the only aspect taken into account in my decision. To answer to your question, living in London is already living abroad for me, as I am French. I have also lived in Germany so quite used to live abroad. Reason why I am thinking to move to Romandy is because my fiancee would prefer to be in a French speaking environment (not closed at all about joining me in London though), as she is not fully confident with her english. Considering there are a lot of companies in my sector in SWZ, I thought it might be worth having a look. In addition heard a lot of positive feedback from people leaving in Romandy regarding lifestyle, which is obviously very important to us. HOWEVER, I must admit that the financial aspect is also very important in our decision. Made some efforts/sacrifices in the last years to reach a certain lifestyle, and I kind of have the impression that current offer in the UK is not really reflecting these, leading to some frustration.

@Fatmanfilms > Not 100% to understand your statement? what do you mean by "Exchange rate of 2 is about purchasing power" ?

Thanks ! 

Anthony13 - the move could then be an exciting prospect!

Having lived in Geneva for many years myself, and now living in Basel, what I can say about Switzerland is that the quality of life is very high but at a cost... which is also reflected in the high salaries.

So, if you live and spend within reason, then you will be better off than in the UK.

Just hang in there when searching for somewhere to live in/around Geneva, as this is challenging. Perhaps you already have contacts or your future employer will assist in finding somewhere "affordable".

Again, best of luck.

Ho sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my first e-mail.. At the moment the only offer I have is in the UK.. as far as SWZ is concerned, all I have is a contact with a recruitment agency who introduced on Friday my profile to a company having an open position. As stated, the agency told me a profile like mine should be worth around 100k, maybe slightly more. Difficult to really assess what it means in terms of purchasing power compared to the UK though, but my first impression is that 100chf in SWZ is quite far better off than 33-35k in London (considering accomodation would already take half of the budget).

Thanks a lot for the info anyway !! 


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