السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Paraphrasing using modals.?

Dear experts,

Could you please correct these uses of modals?

I'm trying to rewrite the following sentences using the suitable modal without changing the original meaning.

1) It was a beautiful day, but we stayed inside.
It was beautiful day, we should have stayed inside.

2) My tutor reproached me for using a pencil when I did my homework.
I shouldn't have used a pencil when I did my homework.

3) I have little bit of fever, and I have been sneezing a lot for the past hour.
I must have caught a cold.

4) When they returned from their vacation, they looked very refreshed.
They must have enjoyed their vacation.

5) We wanted to take a drive to Smithtown, but we ended up in Bordentown instead.
We lost our way to Smithtown, we should have taken a map with us.

6) She took woolen clothes when when went to to Florida on her trip.
She needn't have taken woolen clothes when she went to Florida on her trip.

7) During the break in my English class, some of the students were speaking Spanish and French.
They shouldn't have spoken Spanish and French during the break in my English class.

8) I got up late and missed the train.
I shouldn't have got up late. I missed the train.

9) They haven't received the E-mail yet. Perhaps, I had forgotten to put in their exact E-mail address.
They haven't received the E-mail yet. I may may have forgotten to in their exact E-mail address.

10) When I saw him on the street, he didn't day hello.
He should have said hello, when I saw him in the street.

Thanks a lot.

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