السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Checklist for leaving Switzerland

Hi all,

I have searched through EF and found lots of information about leaving Switzerland, but so far not an easy check-list of all the "To Do's". I have documented my checklist (which is growing by the day), and would love everyone to add to it if they have additional information - hopefully we can be the "one stop shop" checklist for everyone leaving the country.

A few disclaimers first - This does not cover anything to do with children / mortgages. Also, I am not attempting to answer all the questions (plenty of other threads do that), simply trying to create a summary list of things to do/check/investigate etc

Good luck with your move!


- De-register with your local authority, and get letter of de-registration
- Check entitlements for pension refund
- Check entitlements for church tax refund

Bills & Accounts
- Cancel health insurance
- Cancel home insurance (check refund entitlement)
- Cancel mobile phone
- Cancel internet and cable
- Check Billag - refund or transfer to new tenant?
- Cancel utilities and organised final meter read
- Check with bank re: bank account (can I keep it open, for how long, procedure to close etc)
- Complete final tax return
- Organise for Swiss Post to redirect mail

House / flat
- Organise profesional cleaner (obtain quotes)
- Organise dishwasher service (part of lease conditions)
- Send formal, registered letter to landlord to terminate lease
- Investigate bond - when & how it gets returned
- Change address with utilities, Swisscom, mobile phone, banks
- Cancel direct debit for rent

- Organise travel insurance for when Swiss Health Insurance is cancelled
- Organise insurance for belongings in transit
- Investigate shipping / moving companies VS self-drive

Please feel free to add to this list if you know of other things requiring attention before leaving this beautiful country.

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