السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Tax implications of owning a holiday property?

Neither Google nor the search engine seem to be my friend today, so I'm hoping some of you might know... or be able to point me towards any relevant threads/articles I've missed.

I am considering purchasing land in a canton other than the one in which I reside (and pay taxes), and I'm trying to understand the tax implications of owning a second residence. For what it's worth, I live in SZ, the property is in SG.

Assuming that the property is indeed zoned for use as a holiday home (I need to verify this), how does taxation work? I pay income and wealth taxes in SZ - would my liabilitiy to SG and the SG Gemeinde simply be the tax on the Eigenmietwert of the property? Or would SG also levy tax on income and wealth?

Any insights would be much appreciated.

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