السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Re: Lance Armstrong charged with doping by USADA

having been a former competitive cyclist I can say first hand, most racers were doing something.. the most common was blood doping. i am a big fan of Lance A and regardless of what they conclude this time, they either need to charge everyone or let it go. The former will bring cycling to a halt.

The tests are never accurate, nor can they be trusted. If you recall in the 80's when Lemond was on the verge of his first victory the French went after him hard because the beloved Bernard Hinault was not going to have the victory.

If you ask me, and you didn't so let me rephrase.. in my humble opinion, they need a global testing policy that starts every day with every rider, and another at the end of the race (don't think the food cannot contain something given during a stage).

Then, once they figure this out, they should then check every athlete in every sport because its a much bigger issue than just one rider.

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