السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Re: Help! Maus, Hamsters or Guinea Pigs (for my 6yr old)

As a choice out of those 3 I would go for the guinea pigs. You do realize that you'll have to have two don't you.
Hamsters only need a small space but are nocturnal and can be vicious little bu***rs.
Guinea pigs require more space but are much more responsive and like to be cuddled and stroked.
Never had mice so can't really say about them but I personally can't stand them. Not as easy for a 6 year old to handle and an absolute pain to locate if she were to accidentally drop one in the apartment.
You can get any of them from qualipet and they will tell you what size cage is required for each animal. None of them should really smell if they are cleaned out regularly enough. They will have a tendency to send sawdust flying out of the cage though. We have two guinea pigs now and the are really cute and lovable little things. Make sure you get either 2 males (preferably castrated) or 2 females unless you want to have lots of litle pets around the place.
Guinea pigs have the longest lifespan and are the most robust too. I remember being distraught as a kid when our hamster died after we'd had him for a year or so (even if he did bite us all the time)

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