السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

Re: Cycling helmets for children are still not compulsory!!

Well, I don't see how wearing them could be more unsafe, not sure I buy the "people take more chances" argument mentioned above. BTW, do you have references to these studies? I will do a google search, but was wondering where you got your results from. I do know several people who were certainly very happy after an accident that they did have a helmet on...

Anyhow, I won't be able to change your mind, nor do I want to.

When I was in Austin there was a period where they made a mandatory helmet law and all these bike cops showed up and gave tickets galore on campus. Of course, it didn't last for long as they had to repeal it as Texas (at least then) didn't have a motorcycle helmet law...

As far as skiing goes, I don't worry only about my skills, but more about some of the idiots out there that might run into me or otherwise cause me harm...

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