السبت، 16 يونيو 2012

A wife for my Schnauzer

Hi, I live in Basel. This is kind of funny and out of the blue but humor me xD

For the last 2 months I've been thinking about getting a wife for my dog, Coren. He is 6 years old, very good looking and really cute :]

But then I read a lot of threads about how difficult is to adopt a dog and I just want to know one thing: is there any place where I can talk about this? Because I have no idea how things work here... In Spain you can ask your vet to put a pic of the dog in their panel so people can see it and call you if they want their dog to have little cubs with yours.

Also, does anyone know about Schnauzer breeders? Someone trustworthy and good with their dogs.

Thanks a lot

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