الأحد، 10 مارس 2013

This is a fun store with unusual styles. I went in late on a Friday evening

This is a fun store with unusual styles. I went in late on a Friday evening (no I didn't have any plans) and although I was only looking for a pair of pants for an upcoming trip, the salesperson and I started looking at a lot of other options and combinations. While in the dressing room it suddenly occured to me that it was after closing time and I was keeping this nice woman from her Friday night. When I mentioned that she said not to worry but thanked me for asking.

After trying a lot of different items, I still only bought the pair of pants I came in for. You would have thought I bought five outfits the way I was treated upon check out. The salesperson called me by name and welcomed me to come back any time and wished me a fun vacation.

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