الأحد، 10 مارس 2013

The world of gourmet is an open book, from which we continually learn.  French food still rallies in the number one spot, as the worldwide favorite.  Home gourmets and enthusiasts alike want to learn how to create these wonderful sauces and foods; we hope that this sections will be of help to those of you gourmet enthusiasts.  Enjoy!
French Cuisine the term, is somewhat of a misnomer, because the word 'cuisine' is the French word for kitchen [not about food itself].  Americans however generally think of 'French Cuisine' as being really great French food. With that in mind, this section includes several subjects that we cover in our 'Gourmet Food' section including: basic cooking methods, French ingredients, great traditional French recipes, setting up a kitchen, and kitchen pantry, how to tips on for the great Chefs techniques, Cooking Trips to France, cooking with fresh herbs, English to French culinary words and phrases, and the world of French cooking made easy.

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